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We engage parents to celebrate growing minds


We empower youth to embrace conscious living


We believe each individual is their own best resource of healing and growth. By tapping into the human innate psychological sustaining system, we work with every yet to be discovered courageous soul to raise awareness in their own affection, perception, and behavior. Through the practice of emotional awareness and inner exploration, our work assists consciousness unleashing the great potential for strong willpower and durable strength


CREATS Development is established to provide an igniting space of collaboration among educators, counselors, artists, and programmers who feel personally responsible in the making of a better world by helping individuals and families heal and live. We aim to foster the growth of individuals and families around the world through multimedia teaching, personalized coaching, individual/family counseling, and accredited training programs. We value consciousness, reflection, execution, authenticity, transformation, and spirituality.



We value reflection as the foremost vital tool liberating human for deep healing and solid growth. Our services and lessons are delivered in such a way that reflection skills are not only taught, modeled, and highlighted, it is practiced over and personally implied till it becomes part of the living ritual to fundamentally revolutionize the way our customers learn and live.


We know life unfolds itself through its multi-facets of challenge, and we believe actively staying authentic to the living moment is the foundation for problem solving. We engage our clients to shine empathetic understanding upon their unique progress through evidence-based techniques that inspired by wisdom in philosophy, psychology, and pedagogy.


We see the utmost applied value of inner healing and growth on real day-to-day life. With specific executive plans developed by our team, or by the clients themselves after graduating from our online programs, we promote the realization of these benefits in the functioning of individuals and families. To strengthen the learning quality, execution focuses on the inner process of understanding, motivation, expectation, and reflection.


We aim to transform lives through empowering individuals and families. The ultimate goal of the transformation is to promote psychological well-being and holistic growth. Each transformation occurs differently, and to best blend the uniqueness of change within an ecosystem where connection and support can be sought after, we offer the most personal touch in psychological guidance and reflective teaching.


We are constantly refreshing our minds in the scope of scientific research and alternative mindfulness-based approach. Although different but interconnected, both fields draw great attention to the significance of spirituality in every social being. Through conscious living, reflective thinking, execute with authenticity, and psychologically sound transforming, we do everything that falls under the umbrella of growing one’s spirituality, and we believe the better world is within our holistically nourished spirituality.


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Here at C.R.E.A.T.S. we are professionally devoted to provide a safe and supportive environment where our clients can experience meaningful self understanding, self exploration and self development. Please book an appointment below to learn more about our service.

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